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< < | Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee-kee site), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web browser. TWiki looks like a normal Web site... except that it encourages contribution and editing of pages, questions, answers, comments and updates. |
> > | Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee-kee site), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web browser. TWiki looks like a normal Web site... except that it encourages contribution and editing of pages, questions, answers, comments and updates. |
Mission: "TWiki is a leading-edge, web-based collaboration platform targeting the corporate intranet world. TWiki fosters information flow within an organization; lets distributed teams work together seamlessly and productively; and eliminates the one-webmaster syndrome of outdated intranet content." |
| How TWiki Works
- Browse. This is a site like other sites. Read and follow interesting links.
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- web: A TWikiSite is divided into webs, each one represents an area for collaboration. Your site has the following webs: Main | TWiki | Sandbox?
- topic: Each web is made up of hyperlinked topics (TWikiTopics) that appear in your browser.
- WebChanges: in each TWiki web to find what's new
- Write. Speak your mind! From your browser you can change or add to anything you see in a TWiki topic. Use regular text, HTML or TWikiShorthand. To contribute:
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- Web: A TWikiSite is divided into webs, each one represents an area for collaboration. This site has the following webs: Abacos, Acbahia, AnpedGT16, ArcoDigital, Argumento, Avsan, CalculoB, Ceb, Cetad, CetadObserva, Cibercultura, Ciberfem, CiberParque, ColoquioCiags, Coloquiofasa, ConexoesSaberes, Cpdteste, Cppd, Creche, Cridi, Da, DACN, DCE, DelzaTeste, DeniseCarla, DepHistoria, DicionarioBelasartes, Ecologia, EDC, Educandow, EduMus, EleicoesReitor2010, Encima, Enearte, Estruturas, EstruturasEng, FACED, FAT, FepFaced, GEC, GeneticaBiodiversidade, GeneticaBiodiversidade3? , GeneticaBiodiversidade.GeneticaBiodiversidade, Gepindi, GetecEng, Godofredofilho, GrupoAlgebra, ICI010, Informev, Ites, LabioComp, LEG, Lepeja, Letras, LivroLivreSalvador, Main, MaisUm, Mata07, Mefes, MefesCpd, MetaReciclagem, Neclif, NelsonPretto, Nuclear, Numcad, Nutricao, Observa, OrfaosdeRua, PauloCostaLima, PdI, PescandoLetras, PETFilosofia, Pgif, PGNUT, PortalPpga, PosCultura, Pospetroigeo, PPGAC, PPGE, PpggBio, Ppggenbio, Pretto, Proad, PROGESP, ProjetoLencois, Quimica, RadioFACED, RadioTeatro, RadioWeb, Riosymposium10, Ripe, Salasdoctai, Sat, Sedu, SemBio, SeminarioPibid, SimoneLucena, Sociologia, SSL, Tabuleiro, TabuleirosUfba, TCinema, TerritoriosDigitais, TWiki, Twikidea, UFBAIrece, UniversidadeNova, VizinhoEstrangeiro, XIISNHCT
- Topic: Each web is made up of hyperlinked topics that appear in your browser.
- WebChanges: In each TWiki web to find what's new
- Write. Speak your mind! From your browser you can change or add to anything you see in a TWiki topic. Use regular text or TWikiShorthand. To contribute:
- Create An Account. To be able to edit or write new content, you'll need to create an account for yourself. It's simple, and only takes a minute. TWikiRegistration This will also create your personal home page.
- click
Edit at the bottom of any topic and make your changes
- click
[ Preview Changes ] at the bottom to verify the topic (use your brower's Back button if necessary)
- Experiment. Edit your personal page or visit the Sandbox? web.
- Link. To link to another topic, start by editing an existing topic.
- To create a link to an existing topic type its
JoinCapitalizedWords name. WikiWords (two or more capitalized words run together) link automatically.
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- To create a link to a new topic, enter a newly
UsedPhrase .
- When previewing, the links show and "?" (question marks) are used to create topics.
- Another way to create a topic is to type its WikiWord in the Go box or URL.
- Topic history. click
Diffs at the bottom of a topic
- Attach files. click
Attach to upload and attach any type of file.
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- Create a new topic. To create a new topic, start by editing an existing topic.
- In an existing topic, create a link to a new topic, entering a newly
UsedPhrase as a WikiWord.
- After saving the existing topic you will see a question mark link "?" behind the WikiWord.
- Click on the question mark to create the new topic.
- Topic history. Click
History at the bottom of a topic
- Attach files. Click
Attach to upload and attach any type of file.
- Organize. You can learn to use TWikiForms and FormattedSearches to include topic information - for example, classify pages by subject, status, or date.
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- Learn more. TWikiTutorial is a 20-minute tour of TWiki essentials. ATasteOfTWiki is a short introduction training course for beginners. WikiReferences links to selected articles and books about Wiki technology and online collaboration.
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- Learn more. TWikiTutorial is a 20-minute tour of TWiki essentials. ATasteOfTWiki is a short introduction training course for beginners. WikiReferences links to selected articles and books about wiki technology and online collaboration.
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- Web browser used to create and edit topics
- Automatic linking HTML not required
- Search topic names or full-text (regular expressions available)
- Revision control for changes (who, what, when) for topics and attachments
- Access control using users and groups
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- Email notification of topic changes
- File attachments upload and download any file to any topic similar to email attachments
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- E-mail notification of topic changes
- File attachments upload and download any file to any topic similar to e-mail attachments
- Warnings for simultaneous topic editing
- Plug-in via TWiki's flexible architecture using templates, skins, plug-ins and add-ons to customize everything
- Development active with growing set of features in TWiki releases and plug-ins